以为白马只有冬天滑雪才好玩吗? 那就错了,白马夏天比冬天更好玩!各种刺激有趣的户外活动等着您来体验。

白马山岳风光明媚,迷人的景致每年吸引大批日本国内观光客前来朝圣。尤其是被 CNN 评选为“日本最美 34 处”之一的神秘池塘-八方池,池中倒映着日本北阿尔卑斯群山,随天气气候转变拥有不同面貌景色,是白马度假必访的旅游景点。
前往八方池需从Gondola Adam一路搭乘缆车直到山顶后,健行40分钟即可抵达。建议穿着登山鞋或适合运动的球鞋前往,带些轻食可在池边野餐,离开时请务必把垃圾也带走共同维护大自然的美景。

Hakuba Village offers a wealth of nature and spectacular views of the Northern Alps. Cycling while feeling the sound of birds flying through the woods, singing through the birds and the river, is a unique way to enjoy the Hakuba Green Season. Around Hakuba Village, each course is approximately 10 km long around Hakuba. Along Hakuba Village's tourist attractions and riversides, sometimes the rice field trail is followed. Cross country courses and downhill courses are recommended to enjoy MTB in earnest.


青木湖位于从白马前往大町路上约 20 分钟车程的位置,围绕着碧绿的森林,被称为映照着北阿尔卑斯山的水镜,湖水通透清澈是长野县内最透明的湖泊之一。青木湖提供各种水上活动,如独木舟和橡皮划艇,还举办最有人气的 SUP 体验,在宁静的水面上放松享受大自然的一切。

The adventure facility from France lands in Tsugaike for the first time! There are many activities for children and also for adults to enjoy safely. Fly and bounce with a huge net, and play with a thrilling combined tower. There are also age restrictions and height restrictions so please contact them for more details or check the official website below.
[About 20 minutes by car]

EX 户外活动体验
Full-fledged athletic at a height of over 8m from the start to the goal! You got scared? Don't worry, it is attached to the Harnell, it can challenge with confidence from children to adults. Please try with your family and friends! It might get your group closer!
[About 10 minutes by car]

Why don't you enjoy the upscale BBQ at the back of a wooded forest?
Enjoy BBQ with sound of wind, bird humming with your friends and family.
Please contact with the staff for the details.